Materi Element of Prose

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Materi Element Of Prose

1.      Theme: The overall idea of what is the story all about.
Ideas, or thoughts that underlie a major literary work is called a theme. The theme is something that became the basis of the story, something that permeates the story, or something that the subject matter in the story.

The theme is the soul of all parts of the story. Therefore, the theme became the basis for developing the whole story. Theme in many ways is "binding" the presence or absence of events, conflicts and situations, including also various other intrinsic elements.
The theme is stated explicitly that (mentioned) and some are declared implicitly (without mention but understood).

In determining the theme, the author is influenced by several factors, among others: personal interests, tastes of readers, and wishes the publisher or ruler.
In a literary work, besides there is a central theme, often there is also the theme side. The central theme is a theme that became the center of a whole series of events in the story. The theme is a byproduct of other themes that accompany the central theme.

2.      Setting: Refers to the place and time.
Setting is all the information, instructions, reference in respect of time, space, atmosphere, and the situation of the events in the story. Setting can be divided into three main elements:

a. Setting places, referring to the location of the events recounted in a work of fiction.
b. Setting of time, dealing with the problem of 'when' the occurrence of the events recounted in a work of fiction.

c. Social setting, refer to matters relating to social behavior in a place that is told in a work of fiction. Social background could include living habits, customs, traditions, beliefs, outlook on life, ways of thinking and being, and social status.

3.      Plot: Plot is a sequence or series of incidents in the story. Plot can be constructed based on three things:
a.         Based on the order time (chronology). plot is so-called linear plot.
b.      Based on the causal relationship (causal). Plot is so-called causal flow.
c.       Based on the theme of the story. The flow is so-called thematic groove. In the grooved thematic story, every event as if it stood alone. If one episode removed the story can still be understood.
d.      The plot structure is as follows:

1. The initial part consists of: 1) exposition, 2) stimulation , and 3) rising action.
2. The middle part, consisting of: 4) conflict, 5) complication, and 6) climax.
3. The final section, consisting of: 7) falling action, and 8 counclusion.

In building a plot, there are some important factors to consider for a dynamic flow. Important factors are:

1. Probability factor. That is, the events of the story should not always be realistic but it makes sense.
2. Surprise factor. That is, the events should not be directly predictable / recognized by the reader.
3. Coincidence factor. Namely unexpected events occur, by chance happen.
The combination or variation of the three factors that cause flow tersebutlah become dynamic.
The thing that should be avoided in the groove is aberration (digresi). Aberration is the events or episodes that are not associated with the core story or deviate from the subject matter at hand in the story.
Arrangement of events in the story. Under plot , it have:

            A. Introduction
            b. Conflict
            c. Climax
            d. Falling action
            e. Resolution

A. Circular: Flashback
b. Linear: Foreshadowing
c. In medias res: In the middle of the things

4. Characters, under characters it have: 
    A. Protagonist: Actor/ bida
    b. Antagonist: Enemy/ contrabida

5. Conflict
  a. Man vs. Man
  b. Man vs. Nature
  c. Man vs. Society
  d. Man vs. Himself

6. Point of view
    a. First person
    b. Third person Anonymous

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